
There are various types of halloumi bread, but this herby, salty version is particularly morish, especially when eaten fresh and warm. And it’s definitely worth making two, as they don’t tend to hang around long, at least not in our house.




SERVES… well that depends on who’s eating it

PREP TIME: 30 MINS + 2 hours proving


INGREDIENTS: (to make two small loaves)

500g plain flour plus extra for dusting

6g sea salt

7g dry quick yeast

1 x 225g block halloumi - cut into small chunks

1 teaspoon dry or a hand-full fresh oregano

1 large hand-full finely chopped fresh mint

two tablespoons extra virgin olive oil plus extra for greasing

250ml lukewarm water



Put flour into a large shallow bowl or dish.

Add yeast and salt, keeping them apart.

Make a well in the centre and pour in the olive oil.

Add the mint and the oregano.

Now mix all together, slowly adding the water.

It should be soft and sticky but not sloppy.

When the ingredients are well combined, turn out onto a flour dusted surface and kneed for about 10 mins. or until the dough is elastic and losing it’s stickiness. You may need to dust with more flour as you go.

Next, fold in the halloumi chunks trying to get then evenly spread. This can be a bit tricky as they will try to fall away, but just show them who’s boss.

Using olive oil grease two smallish bread tins or pots, approximately 10 x 20 cm. It’s important that the containers are well oiled, bottom and sides, as this particular dough is only going to have one proving.

Divide the halloumi dough into two, shape and put one into each tin.

Place them in a slightly warm place and allow the dough to rise for about two hours or until it has doubled in size and filling the containers. 

Heat oven to 180C fan and bake for 25 mins. Turn out and tap the bottoms. They should sound hollow, if not just put them back in the hot oven for a little longer. Once baked cover with a tea towel and let them rest for a while before slicing. Enjoy whilst still warm.