Welcome to DASAKI

Family, Food, Tradition, Love
Our family originated from the Village of Achna in the Famagusta District of Cyprus.
During the unrest in the mid 1970’s, the village was abandoned and, to this day, remains a ghost town, under the de facto control of Northern Cyprus.
The displaced inhabitants fled to the Forest south of Achna (Dasaki tis Achnas). Our grandfather, Sam’s great grandfather, Yiasoumi, had been amongst those who planted that forest in his youth.
DASAKI is now a vibrant village built up from scratch by the former occupants of Achna. To us Dasaki represents preservation as well as regeneration.
Our dishes originate from the village recipes, cherished and handed down over generations. None of them were written down: they were learned by observing our parents and grandparents as they cooked for the family.
We aim to do these family recipes justice, and to continue to keep them alive for generations to come. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Let’s eat!